Saturday, May 23, 2009

GIRL Has Made It To Mars!

After 92 days of stretching, the Noby Noby Boy community has finally reached Mars!

This comes as a surprise seeing as Noby's creator Keita Takahashi recently stated that at the rate that players were contributing length, GIRL wouldn't reach Mars for another three years or so.

Thankfully Takahashi introduced Lucky Week. Lucky Week is a new feature in Noby Noby designed to entice PS3 owners into playing more. Here's how it works: Every month or so, an announcement will be made that there will be a Lucky Week. Namco will draw a random number and any GIRL length that you report during Lucky Week will be multiplied by said number.

The galaxy exploration and sense of journey and accomplishment in Noby Noby Boy make for a truly epic and sublime gaming experience. If you have a PS3 you really owe it to yourself to experience this game. It will be the best $5 you've ever spent.

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