Cream Wolf (****) You can’t put a price on its brilliance. That’s why it’s free.
Batman: Arkham Asylum (****) I wanted a next-gen Double Dragon, but the wig-splitting in this will do.
Zen Bound (****) A humble killer-app. Feels like the most tactile game ever, that’s video.
Heavy Rain (**) Trapped between a bad movie and a good video game.
Cobra Command (****) Still futuristic, 26 years later.
Split/Second (**) Somewhere within this mediocre Burnout-clone is a thriller on wheels.
Resident Evil 5 (**1/2) The only thing keeping this from being a tribute band is the original drummer.
Deadly Premonition (**) A sprawling weirdo-epic with too much time and not enough money.
Dead Rising: Case Zero (**) A great idea, rolling around in its own filth.
The Expendables: The Video Game (*1/2) As big an air-ball as it’s celluloid counterpart.
WarioLand Shake It! (**1/2) Criminally standard definition, and proof that Nintendo still has feeling for you.
Joe Danger (****) The game is so shiny and new, you’re perfectly content placing it on the shelf in its originally packaging just to gaze upon.
Vanquish: Velocity Attack (****) Not really a demo, but an interactive attract-mode that will send you straight to the token machine.
I must say that is a potent description of Heavy Rain. I just played the demo but that was enough for me. The graphics were amazing though but that wasn't going to keep my attention.