Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Mirror's Edge: Giving Them Something to Talk About

Mirror's Edge certainly got people talking.

It seems to have had a profound effect on those who played it, with the consensus being that the game, ultimately, is an extremely flawed but groundbreaking title.

Stuart Snoddy, from Addicted to Media, kept a wonderful diary of his time spent with Mirror's Edge that catalogs an insightful assessment of his overall experience with the game.

Here's a bit from his final entry:

"This is a game of ups and downs, both literally and figuratively. It’s a game that, when it works, is amazing and unbelievably satisfying, and when it doesn’t is absolutely unplayable. There are times when you feel like you’re soaring through the sky almost effortlessly and then there are times when you literally hit a brick wall and the game reveals itself as being, ultimately, broken."

This journal-based form of game criticism is a excellent alternative to your typical scale-based review format.

Stuart is planning on continuing this feature on his site. Can't wait to read more.

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