Sunday, February 15, 2009

Kissed By a Rose: Some Thoughts on Flower

As I sit at my desk writing this blog, I daydream of an exceptionally warm spring day. I pack up a small lunch, hop on my bicycle and head down the street to my neighborhood park. A playful wind accompanies me on my way, gently kissing my face and filling my nostrils with the intoxicating aroma of pale tree blossoms. The park is empty, as I survey the land for the perfect canopy. A proud, leaning oak stretches its arms out to me, like an old friend I haven’t seen in ages. Slouching against the trunk, I look upward through the sprawling branches at the milky blue sky.

Spring is so close, yet so far. Flower will have to do for now.

I was going to write an in-depth analysis of my time spent with Flower, but when I recollect on my 8+hour play through, I draw a blank and want to go back to playing it some more.

Here are some things that I was going to touch on:

-The gorgeous graphics, sound and music. I was going to say something about it being the prettiest game in recent history (feel free to debate me on this in the comments if you know of a more lovely game).

-The Sixaxis motion controls and how they further enhance the fluidity of controlling a gust of wind. I was going to mention how playing this game one-handed with the R2 button works exceptionally well and how the physical interaction of waving the controller around is surprisingly relaxing, almost like doing Tai Chi, only sitting.

-Creative Director, Genova Chen, and this quote

“One of Jenova's greatest dreams is to bring the best things and messages to the world. Like what Hayao Miyazaki did to anime, Jenova wants to be one of the heroes who can make video game a more mature and adorable treasure shared by every human being.”

I was going to say something about how he’s successfully woven together both autobiographical and universal themes concerning mankind’s yearning to reconcile with nature.

-How this small, $10 game packs more punch than many full-priced games, and how Flower will most definitely be looked over when critics compile their Games Of 2009 lists.

-If you own a PS3 you own it to yourself to add this game to your collection and to share it with your loved ones.

That’s enough for now—I’m heading back into the wonderful world of Flower. Hope to see you there.

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