Friday, April 10, 2009

My Thoughts on The Bioshock 2 footage...

As someone who absolutely adored the first Bioshock, I'm pretty excited about it's sequel based on the small amount of in-game footage that was released last night.

Playing the game as a Big Daddy seems so badass and neat. Looks like they managed to get the weight and movement down perfect; you still seem to lumber around, but it doesn't seem sluggish and clunky like -SPOILERS- when you were in the BD suit towards the end of the original Bioshock. Overall, the animation on everything (including the splicers) seems to have improved.

Then there is the Big Sister, a character that has the potential to be really cool and really creepy. From what I've gathered, Big Sister is going to be on your ass through out entire game, which could possible lead to some intense Resident Evil: Nemisis-inspired set pieces. What I'm wondering is how scared will you be of her when the character that you play as is already pretty scary? What made the encounters with the Big Daddies in the original so intense was that you were just a normal guy (well, minus the super powers) who was pitted against these brooding juggernauts. It was the classic "David and Goliath" scenario. In Bioshock 2 it seems as if those roles are reversed. Sure Big Sis is faster and perhaps smarter, but in the end, you're playing as Big F'n Daddy!

I have high hopes for this title. Let's hope that it lives up to it's name.

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