Thursday, April 9, 2009

Trent Reznor is Pretty Cool...

Ok, I have to admit, in the nighties I was a big Nine Inch Nails fan. I remember blasting Broken in my living room and basically just running in circles because I was feeling it so hard. I don't think I could go back and listen to any of those jams anymore but at the time they hit the spot. Even if I can't get behind Trent Reznor's recent work, I do like the guys style. As you probably know, he is a self proclaimed gamer nerd. He produced the soundtrack for id software's classic QUAKE and has confessed many times to the huge delays between his albums being due largely to his gaming habit.

Trent recently did an interview for Digg in which he answers questions submitted by the site's subscribed users. interview video and full article after the break

One question that was near the top of the list was about videogames. I was really shocked when I watched the clip below by how much of Trent's gaming philosophy matches my own. When he spoke about the huge budgets of modern games stifling the creative potential for developers,it honestly weirded me out because I just had that exact conversation with Adam a few weeks ago. He raps about games much the way my friends and I do and has that "I'm an old man, I know what I am talking about" approach I can definitely relate to. I found his comments on the potential of the the downloadable marketplace to be especially on-point. I can't tell you how much I agree with what he is saying there; when you don't have to spend a bazillion dollars on a project, you can take some risks and try some new innovative things. Not every game has to be some huge, bloated, cinematic experience - sometimes they can just be fun.

You tell em' Trent:

Wonder what the idea for his rejected game was: Self Loathing Man in Sad Town, perhaps?

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